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Tackling Water Disasters at Home | SERVPRO of Blount County

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

Young woman collecting leaking water from ceiling while her boyfriend calling roof repair service at home If you're facing water damage, don't hesitate to contact SERVPRO of Blount County immediately.

If you’ve been living in your home for a while, you’re probably familiar with the ins and outs of daily life under your roof. You’re the master scheduler, the dishwasher-loading expert and the washing machine repair pro.

However, despite your experience, it’s impossible to predict and prevent every possible disaster. Water damage can strike without warning, but being prepared and knowing what to do can help you stay in control.

First Steps

Water damage can be caused by natural disasters or manmade accidents, such as a burst pipe or a leaky appliance. Your first priority should be to get the situation under control. 

If the problem is due to a leak or appliance malfunction, turn off the water valve to stop the flow. If the damage was caused by a natural disaster, secure the room as best you can by setting out buckets or covering damaged walls and windows. 

After the situation is somewhat under control, it’s time to call in the professionals. SERVPRO® is locally owned and operated, which means we can be at your doorstep quickly. Time is of the essence when it comes to water damage restoration, so we waste no time in getting to work. Our first priority is to extract the water using wet/dry vacuums, mops or towels. We’ll then open windows and turn on fans to get the air circulating.

Saving Your Possessions
While we work on restoring your home, we’ll also work on saving your possessions. We’ll remove your personal belongings and small furniture to a dry location where our restoration team will carefully inspect each item for damage.

If there is furniture that cannot be moved, we’ll prop it up off the floor to ensure our air movers and blowers can access every space with ease.

Moisture Detection
Just because the visible water is gone doesn’t mean the job is done. Hidden moisture can lurk behind walls or under floors, making it difficult to detect with the naked eye. 

Our infrared camera technology and moisture detectors can help us pinpoint every drop of lingering moisture. Once we’re sure we’ve eliminated every bit of water, we’ll work on restoring and repairing your damaged walls, ceilings, floors and possessions.

Water damage can strike without warning, but being prepared and knowing what to do can help you stay in control. If you experience water damage, call SERVPRO of Blount County right away for fast and efficient restoration services.

Dealing with the frustrating effects of water damage? Call SERVPRO of Blount County right away.

Feeling Festive? Tips for Preventing House Fires Around the Holidays | SERVPRO of Blount County

4/22/2024 (Permalink)

holiday home In need of fire damage recovery assistance? Contact SERVPRO of Blount County any time, day or night.

The holiday season is an exciting time of year, but it’s also the peak time for house fires. With all the festivities and decorations, it’s easy to overlook potential fire hazards.

Taking proactive measures to prevent fires during the holiday season can help keep your family and home safe. Check out the tips below from our SERVPRO® team to help you stay safe this season. 

Be Mindful of Your Tree
A beautifully decorated tree can be the centerpiece of your holiday décor, but it can also be a significant fire hazard. To start, choose a fresh tree that is green and has needles that are difficult to pull out. Dried-out trees can catch fire more easily, so make sure to water your tree regularly. You should also keep your tree at least three feet away from any heat source, including fireplaces, radiators and candles.

If you have an artificial tree, be sure to check any lights and make sure there are no cords that are fraying or coming apart. Finally, be sure to turn off all lights before going to bed at night.

Practice Safe Cooking Habits
Holiday cooking is a tradition for many families, but it’s also a leading cause of house fires. Our first recommendation to reduce your risk is to stay in the kitchen. If you have to leave, consider turning off the oven or the stove while you are away. In addition, keep anything flammable far away from your heat source. 

You should also take the time to check your appliances. Faulty knobs, loose connections or even a single frayed wire can lead to a serious fire risk.  If you notice any frayed cords or other damage, do not use the affected appliance(s).

Decorate With Safety in Mind

Holiday decorations can add a festive touch to your home, but they can also be the cause of some pretty serious fires. Flameless candles are a great alternative to traditional candles, and you don’t have to worry about blowing them out before leaving a room. If you like to decorate your home with lights, be sure that you aren’t overloading your outlets or overusing extension cords.  

If you have a fireplace, radiator or anything else that produces heat in your home, take care to keep decorations far away from these areas. Even hanging something too low on the mantle over your crackling fireplace can be dangerous and can lead to total destruction of your home. 

Keep in mind that we are available 24/7 to respond to your call for help! If your home suffers fire damage this holiday season, let us help you recover faster so you can get back to your holiday celebrations faster.

We can help you recover from fire damage. Call SERVPRO of Blount County day or night.

Breathe Easier With an Air Duct Cleaning | SERVPRO of Blount County

3/22/2024 (Permalink)

Technician open cover to fix and holding dirty and dust air purifier filter for removing and change. Treat your home to an HVAC cleaning with SERVPRO of Blount County's team of cleaning professionals and breathe easier this Spring!

We all deserve to breathe fresh, clean air in our homes on a daily basis. Our HVAC systems do a really great job at providing our homes with circulating air, and things like air purifiers can help remove particles from the air. However, these systems can only work smoothly if your air ducts are clean and free of debris. 

Your air ducts help transfer air throughout your entire home, and over time, they can become overloaded with all kinds of debris that impact your air quality. Routine air duct cleanings can ensure your family breathes the cleanest air possible. 

What Does an Air Duct Cleaning Do?

Our HVAC systems are really important in our daily lives. They keep us warm in the winter and cool in the summer, and the fan feature can help circulate air to keep everything fresh. 

They also have the important job of filtering out things that could impact your air quality. Over time, dust, debris, allergens and even odor particles can get stuck in your air ducts and impact your HVAC system. 

If your system can’t work the way it needs to, it will become less efficient at pumping out the conditioned air it should—or it could be pushing out air that is filled with pollen and dust. Yuck! An air duct cleaning gets into your ventilation system and sucks out all that excess and leaves your vents clean and shining.

Why Is an Air Duct Cleaning Important? 

For starters, your family deserves to breathe clean air! It is better for your lungs and for your entire body. This is especially true if you have someone in your home who has asthma or experiences intense seasonal allergies. You don’t want your home to add to your family member’s symptoms. 

Routine cleanings can also increase the longevity of your HVAC equipment. Dirty filters, vents and ductwork can make it hard for your system to work smoothly, so it can experience wear and tear faster that requires maintenance or even a full replacement sooner than expected. 

This can directly save you thousands of dollars! Taking care of your equipment can help it last longer and be more reliable in the long run. 

Ready to breathe cleaner air? Contact SERVPRO® of Blount County today.

Where Different Types of Water Are Found in Your Home | SERVPRO of Blount County

1/26/2024 (Permalink)

the worker opened the sewer hatch and inserted a hose for cleaning the septic tank. maintenance of communications in a privat Our team at SERVPRO of Blount County is "Here to Help" with any sewage or biohazard cleanups you need!

We use water in all kinds of ways in our homes, and each pipe and system is designed to safely carry water and waste to and from our homes without much intervention on our part. We might not think about it on a daily basis, but there is toxic water flowing through our homes every single day.

While this kind of water is usually safely tucked away in your sewage pipes or drainage systems and never becomes an issue, burst pipes, malfunctions or overflowing appliances can all lead to serious situations in your home at any time. 

Our SERVPRO of Blount County team explains more about what the three different types of water are in your home and where they are found, so read on to learn more.

Where White Water Is Found

White water, or clean water, is the water that is flowing from our kitchen sinks or into our ice makers on a daily basis. This water has been processed through a facility and can be ingested safely. 

If a pipe bursts or your ice machine malfunctions and leaks everywhere, this water can be handled safely on your own. Just be sure to not let it sit for any amount of time, as bacteria can start to grow and then it will become dangerous.

Gray Water Locations

Gray water is one step above white water. This water originally may have come from your kitchen faucets or taps, but has been used and is now contaminated with food, laundry soap or urine. 

If a laundry machine overflows or your garbage disposal gets clogged and your sink keeps running, this is how gray water can get onto your floors or behind your walls.  This type of water can cause illness or GI issues and should be handled with caution. 

The Reality of Black Water
Black water is toxic and should never be cleaned up on your own. Black water is water that has been contaminated with feces, blood or chemicals that are hazardous to human health. 

Sewage leaks and floodwater are both two common examples of black water. It should always be cleaned up by properly trained professionals in full safety gear. 

Where We Come In
We are a full-service restoration company, and we mean it! We can handle any sort of biohazard situation on your property, including sewage leaks or other black water concerns. 

If you find mysterious or filthy water anywhere in your home, back up and call SERVPRO of Blount County. We can identify the type of water, fix whatever leaked or malfunctioned, and then handle any necessary repairs if the lingering water damages any part of your home. 

Sewage leaks or backups should always be dealt with right away. Our team will jump into action in our PPE for you as soon as you call us!

Don’t try to clean up a sewage leak on your own. Call us at SERVPRO of Blount County right away.

How Can I Tell if I Have a Mold Infestation? | SERVPRO of Blount County

10/2/2023 (Permalink)

dark colored mold infestation on a white wall Is there mold in your space? Call SERVPRO of Blount County to remedy that problem fast!

No one wants to think about the possibility of discovering a mold infestation at their home or business. Besides the fact that it is just downright unpleasant, it can actually be a health hazard to your family and a danger to your home’s structural integrity.

Mold can be tricky to track down at times because it usually doesn’t grow in high-traffic areas. If it starts to grow behind your walls or floods, it can silently spread to an entire room without much forewarning. By knowing more about what mold looks like and smells like, you can follow your senses to track down the problem before it gets worse.

Mold Characteristics

Mold spores are virtually everywhere, but it doesn’t just grow everywhere. The conditions have to be right for an infestation to take place. These infestations usually occur in damp, dark areas like basements, attics or behind walls. If it is not caught in time, it can spread rapidly in as little as 48 hours.

Mold can also be any color of the rainbow! Common colors for mold are black, brown, red and even blue. Mold also smells musty or earthly. If you catch a whiff of something similar to damp dirt, it’s time to do some investigating.

Preventing a Mold Infestation

The key to controlling mold in your home is to keep it as dry as possible. All homes need to maintain a certain level of humidity, but anything over 50% humidity in your home can cause lingering moisture, which could encourage mold growth. You should also keep a fan going or open a window in high-humidity spaces like bathrooms, kitchens and laundry rooms. Circulating air helps prevent moisture from building up over time.

It is also imperative that you tackle any sort of water damage in your home quickly. A single water leak from a broken pipe or roof damage can easily invite water to leak and seep throughout your home. Once it has spread under your floors and behind your walls, it is really hard to dry out and mold can start to grow at any point.

How We Can Help

If you come upon a mold problem in your home, the best thing to do is to leave it and call us right away. We can come out to your house to assess the mold, determine what type it is, and then formulate our restoration plan that will keep everyone safe while we work.

We will also help fix whatever leaked in order to prevent this from happening again! Once the leak has been controlled, we will clean and sanitize the entire area and employ our deodorizers to make sure that musty smell has been eliminated.

If the mold has been growing for a while, structural damages might need to be addressed as well. We can handle floor replacements, new walls or full reconstructions of parts of your home. When it comes to mold restoration, SERVPRO of Blount County is the team for you!

Are you dealing with a stubborn mold problem? Call SERVPRO of Blount County for assistance.

Steps to Take During a Flood | SERVPRO® of Blount County

5/19/2023 (Permalink)

 img src =”water” alt = " a large puddle of water in the midde of a lobby reflecting the ceiling” > Has water damage taken over in your home or business? Call SERVPRO of Blount County to get cleaned up and back to normal.

It’s no secret that it rains a lot here in eastern Tennessee. With all of the rain and the Little Tennessee River wrapping around our county, we are at a higher risk of experiencing flooding situations than other parts of the state.

If your home is affected by a flood, it is important to know what to do first to keep your family safe and minimize damages.

What to Do During a Flood

As soon as the flood warnings are issued for our area, make sure to locate your emergency kit and head to a safe location in your home. Flash flooding situations can appear without much warning so try to get to higher ground when possible.

If you have time, secure your home by moving essential items and fragile possessions to an upper floor and turn off your utilities if you are able to do so. Unplug electrical appliances, and tie down outside furniture.

What to Do After the Flood

Once the rain subsides or the floodwaters stop rushing in, initial shock can quickly turn into intense feelings of overwhelm. Remember that even if water isn’t actively coming into your home any more, it is still dangerous to walk through any type of floodwater. Stay on firm ground and turn off the electricity in your home if you are able, and then start taking pictures.

Photographing your situation will help make the claims process easier with your insurance company and will document the damage in its initial stages. Once that is done, call us at SERVPRO of Blount County!

How SERVPRO Can Help

We are very familiar with water damage situations, including flood damage. We will be there for you from that very first phone call. We will ask a lot of questions to help us create the most comprehensive project plan that we can. Once we arrive at your home, we do a few things simultaneously.

First, we remove your fragile possessions to prevent further damage and we start drying out things like your furniture and other removable items. Once our work space is clear, we can pump out the water and dry out your entire space.

From there, we turn our attention to any repairs that are needed. Our SERVPRO team will ensure your home is returned to its preloss state quickly and efficiently.

Don’t let water damage linger in your home. Contact us at SERVPRO of Blount County right away.

Spring Storms Can Bring Flooding

3/1/2023 (Permalink)

Unfortunately, we have seen our fair share of flooding in recent years here in Blount County. According to the National Weather Service Approximately, five percent of all Presidential disaster declarations are associated with flooding. Just because you haven’t experienced a flood doesn’t mean you won’t sometime in the future. About 20% of all claims paid by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) were for policies in low-risk communities. On average, floods cost $3.5 billion in annual losses in the United States.

The National Weather Service lists the following most common flood hazards:

  • Flash Flooding
  • River Flooding
  • Dam Breaks/Levee Failure
  • Dry Wash (Heavy Rainfalls in Dry Areas)
  • Snowmelt
  • Ice Damming
  • Burn Scars/Debris Flows
  • Storm Surge and Coastal Flooding from Tropical Storms

When catastrophic water damage happens to you, SERVPRO® of Blount County professionals can help at 865-982-2332.

We can respond to any size disaster to begin cleanup and restoration to get you back in your home or business as soon as possible.

Portable Heater and Fireplace Safety Tips

3/1/2023 (Permalink)

Keep anything flammable at least three feet away from heating equipment, like the furnace, fireplace, wood stove or a portable space heater. Have a three foot “kid-free zone” around open fires and space heaters.

Make sure the fireplace has a sturdy screen to stop sparks from flying into the room. Ashes should be cold before putting them in a metal container. Keep the container a safe distance away from your home.

Remember to turn portable heaters off when leaving the room or going to bed.

It is recommended by the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) that you test both residential and commercial smoke alarms monthly.

Always use the right kind of fuel, specified by the manufacturer, for fuel burning space heaters.

Have heating equipment and chimneys cleaned and inspected every year by a qualified professional. This can mitigate any potential risk of damages due to heating of your home.

Most importantly remember that SERVPRO of Blount County, is your go-to fire restoration professional in the Maryville and Alcoa area! Give us a call today (865)982-2332

Winter Weather Hazards

9/27/2022 (Permalink)

Winter Storm Damage

Winter weather can bring about more issues than just slippery roads and a sidewalk to shovel. If you live where temperatures sink below freezing level, you are at risk for frozen pipes and ice dams, which can create a major disaster at your home or property.


Frozen pipes are often those pipes exposed to the cold weather, such as those on outer walls or outside your house, or in cold areas such as basements, attics, garages or even kitchen cabinets.

A frozen pipe can burst at the point where the ice blockage inside the pipe is located, but typically the rupture is caused by the backflow pressure between the water source and the obstruction. A burst pipe can cause considerable damage to your property if not addressed quickly.

To prevent pipes from freezing, here are a few steps you can take, according to The American Red Cross.

-Be sure to thoroughly drain water from swimming pool and sprinkler lines, as well as outside hoses.

-Open kitchen cabinets to let warm air circulate near the plumbing when temperatures are below freezing for an extended time.

-When the weather is frigid, let water drip from faucets that may come from exposed pipes.

-Keep your heat set to the same temperature both day and night.


Ice dams can be a little-known, but significant problem during the snowy season. They form when heated air melts roof snow downward into water dammed behind still-frozen ice. When water cannot safely flow or run into the gutter system, it will cause backflow under the roof ’s shingles and into the structure’s interior areas.

Icicles can be an initial sign of an ice dam, according to To spot ice dams inside; check for water stains or moisture in your attic or along with the ceiling of the exterior walls of your house. Water stains or moisture may be an indication that an ice dam has formed and water has penetrated the roof membrane.”

Removing an ice dam as soon as it is found is vital to help prevent damage to your property and can be done using heated cables, a roof shovel or calcium chloride ice melter.

If winter weather causes water damage to your property, SERVPRO® of Blount County is only a call away, 24/7, ready to restore to preloss condition. (865) 982-2332

October Is Fire Prevention Month

9/27/2022 (Permalink)

October is Fire Prevention Month a perfect time to examine emergency preparedness plans for your home and business, including your fire escape plan. Do you have a fire escape plan? Have you changed your smoke alarm batteries within the last year?

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) designates a week each October to focus on fire prevention awareness. Plan and practice your escape which works to educate everyone about the small but important actions they can take to keep themselves and those around them safe with the planning and practicing of a fire escape plan. In a typical home fire, you may have as little as one to two minutes to escape safely from the time the smoke alarm sounds. Escape planning and practice can help you make the most of the time you have, giving everyone enough time to get out.